Week 2: Is the Internet destroying our brains?

I believe that the internet is an extremely powerful tool in the modern age. Having the internet available at our fingertips is convenient, but we memorize less. However, it gives us access to more information faster than before. Although, some argue that the internet is making everyone dumber, because we can look things up; we are actually getting smarter. Older people who grew up without the internet feel as though we are dumber because we don’t memorize as everyone’s birthdays and small facts. However, younger people feel as though the memorization of small facts is unimportant in the grand scheme of knowledge. The ideas and concepts that I learned in 2008 are much harder than they were in 1978 and the concepts in 2018 are harder than they were in 2008. The influence of the internet as made education more complex; meaning five-year-olds are more advanced now than I was at age 5. The internet is making the world more educated at a younger age and the rest of the older world is trying to catch up. When I was young, my father tried to teach me the Greek alphabet; it took me 25 minutes to memorize it. When he was young, it took him almost an hour. My nieces learned the Greek alphabet last year within 5 minutes, because of the videos available to make it easier to learn.

In class, the argument that the internet is destroying our brains doesn’t hold up for this reason. The technological world is all that some 20-year-olds and everyone younger know, but its not destroying our brains. It’s making everything harder now that knowledge is available at our fingertips.

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