Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Week 3: Socratic Method

This week in class confused me at first. I wasn’t sure if I was understanding the message. (Get it!) The quote,”A self created in Literacy is a lesser self” is interesting, because the idea that not being able to read makes you smarter because all the knowledge you need to know is memorized. Whereas, literate […]

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Week 2: Is the Internet destroying our brains?

I believe that the internet is an extremely powerful tool in the modern age. Having the internet available at our fingertips is convenient, but we memorize less. However, it gives us access to more information faster than before. Although, some argue that the internet is making everyone dumber, because we can look things up; we […]

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Week 1 of Digital Past

During the first week of History 390, we talked about the idea of modern music being compressed. When music is compressed, it fails to be anything more than background noise. It was argued that music is compressed because we tend to spend a lot of time listening to music while doing other tasks, and we […]

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